Proven more than 20.000 times. The LOPE method.

LOPE makes making simple. By using Lean principles.

Plan reliably

Split­ting up huge tasks into indi­vi­du­al acti­vi­ties, ente­ring them into the app and rough­ly esti­mat­ing the time requi­red to com­ple­te them. LOPE then cal­cu­la­tes your total workload and checks it against the free times in your calen­dar for relia­ble planning.

Keep the most important always on your radar.

LOPE prio­ri­ti­zes auto­ma­ti­cal­ly so that you can sim­ply focus on the top 3 and work through them continously.

Enjoy the feeling of success.

At the end of the day, enjoy what you have achie­ved and see how this has hel­ped you to move forward.

No registration – no advertising – no subscription

Everything at a glance.

Simple start:

Step 1: Download Lope from your App Store.
Step 2: Link your device calendar to all calendars.
Step 3: Allow Lope to access the device calendar.
Step 4: Create a work profile within Lope.
Step 5: Enter your tasks.