Terms of Use for Lope

§1. Pream­ble

auf­werts GmbH, repre­sen­ted by its CEO Ingo Kör­ner, pro­vi­des the popu­lar app stores (Android / iOS) with an app for record­ing, dis­play­ing and pro­ces­sing tasks in digi­tal form (in the fol­lowing: con­tent). The­se can be reques­ted and down­loa­ded part­ly free of char­ge, part­ly against pay­ment by anyo­ne. The app is cal­led Lope.

The sub­ject of the con­tract is the free or paid use of the app­li­ca­ti­on Lope, which can be acces­sed via the app stores of Goog­le and Apple as a mobi­le app­li­ca­ti­on (here­af­ter refer­red to as “apps”). All data is stored in the cloud at the request of the user.

Lope can be used without user pro­fi­le and log­in. The app pro­vi­des a cer­tain ran­ge of func­tions: Tasks can be ent­e­red, tra­cked, dele­ted and mar­ked as done. Lope prio­ri­ti­zes the tasks accord­ing to a defi­ned algo­rithm and dis­plays all unfi­nis­hed and com­ple­ted tasks with the avail­ab­le detail­ed data.

Lope runs on end devices alo­ne and is ful­ly avail­ab­le to the user. If updates are pro­vi­ded, auf­werts GmbH and its aut­ho­ri­zed repre­sen­ta­ti­ves will do their best that Lope and all data remain avail­ab­le. To avoid data loss during updates, the data should be backed up regu­lar­ly in the cloud by the user. The cor­re­spon­ding func­tio­n­a­li­ty can be found in the set­tings. We assu­me no lia­bi­li­ty for the loss of data. We are not respon­si­ble for any down­ti­me cau­sed by the inter­net or equip­ment, and in par­ti­cu­lar not for down­ti­me, in which Lope can not be used due to tech­ni­cal or other pro­blems bey­ond our con­trol (eg for­ce majeu­re, third par­ty fault, etc.) ,

Terms and con­di­ti­ons of the Ger­man Civil Code BGB app­ly. The judge eva­lua­tes the indi­vi­du­al case. The fol­lowing gene­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons regu­la­te the legal rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween the user and auf­werts GmbH and form the basis for all ser­vices of auf­werts GmbH. Oppo­sing cus­to­mer con­di­ti­ons are not recognized.


§2 con­clu­si­on of contract

2.1 The con­tent and goods offe­red by auf­werts GmbH con­sti­tu­te a legal­ly bin­ding offer to the user to purcha­se the­se con­tents and vou­chers in the spe­ci­fied file for­mat and, if necessa­ry, to down­load them. The purcha­se con­tract is con­clu­ded when the user clicks the “Install” but­ton on the pro­duct descrip­ti­on page of the respec­ti­ve app store. The con­tents are exclu­si­ve­ly avail­ab­le online. A claim for deli­very by post, fax, etc. does not exist. Tech­ni­cal and design devia­ti­ons from descrip­ti­ons and infor­ma­ti­on in brochu­res, cata­logs and writ­ten docu­ments remain reser­ved, without the user being able to deri­ve rights against auf­werts GmbH. After com­ple­ting the order, the user will recei­ve an online invoice by e-mail in accordance with the terms of use of the used app store and can view the order data there.

2.2 The user con­firms the cor­rect­ness and com­ple­teness of his given data. Like­wi­se, he has to make sure that on his side the­re are pre­re­qui­si­tes for recei­ving the files and con­tent with his smart­pho­ne. If the­se requi­re­ments are not ful­fil­led, this is without influ­ence on the con­clu­si­on of the con­tract bet­ween the user and auf­werts GmbH.

2.3 Apart from the free of char­ge offers such as the use for the first 100 tasks crea­ted, the use of the con­tent for the user is sub­ject to a char­ge. Any con­nec­tion cos­ts for access to the data­ba­se its­elf shall be bor­ne by the user in each case; In par­ti­cu­lar, he bears the incur­red telecom­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons cos­ts. Any cos­ts resul­ting from spe­cial ser­vices as well as ser­vices due to incor­rect or incom­ple­te user infor­ma­ti­on or non-veri­fia­ble com­p­laints or impro­per sys­tem usa­ge shall be bor­ne in full by the customer.

2.4 auf­werts GmbH usual­ly offers sup­port for tech­ni­cal pro­blems with con­tent of the app. For this, auf­werts GmbH pro­vi­des the e-mail address info@lope.app. A legal claim to sup­port can not be deri­ved from this.


§ 3 con­tract term, termination

3.1 The term of the con­tract for con­tent is spe­ci­fied in the indi­vi­du­al con­tract its­elf, which is con­clu­ded on the basis of the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons. Unless other­wi­se sta­ted, con­tracts for the use of the app are con­clu­ded for an inde­fi­ni­te peri­od. A ter­mi­na­ti­on of the con­tract by the user is pos­si­ble at any time without giving rea­sons. A refund of the purcha­se pri­ce is, howe­ver, only in the con­text of para­graph §5.

3.2 auf­werts GmbH reser­ves the right to ter­mi­na­te the con­tract without noti­ce in case of pro­ven misu­se of the app.

3.3 auf­werts GmbH express­ly points out that the indi­ca­ted pri­ces requi­re a one-time pay­ment. It is not a subscription.


§4 Terms of payment

4.1 The pri­ces result from the details of the respec­ti­ve pro­duct descrip­ti­on page and / or the respec­ti­ve order form. All pri­ces are inclu­si­ve of the VAT valid at the time of the con­clu­si­on of the con­tract. Inso­far as cur­rent ser­vices are owed, the VAT rate app­li­ca­ble at the time the respec­ti­ve claim is due is decisi­ve. The ful­fill­ment takes place no later than two working days after rece­i­pt of payment.

4.2 When pla­cing the order, the user must ensu­re that the details of all data match the desi­red data on the invoice. Sub­se­quent chan­ges to invoices can not be made.

4.3 auf­werts GmbH can use ser­vices of third com­pa­nies to pro­cess pay­ment tran­sac­tions. If this hap­pens, the con­trac­ted com­pa­ny will be named in the order pro­cess. In addi­ti­on to the gene­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons of auf­werts GmbH then app­ly the gene­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons of the com­mis­sio­ned company.

4.4 When purcha­sing con­tent can be paid eit­her by advan­ce pay­ment / bank trans­fer or PayPal. The debit of the PayPal account is usual­ly with com­ple­ti­on of the order.

4.5 All pay­ments are due immedia­te­ly. Delay occurs 14 days after deli­very or due date of the invoice or if a debit of the purcha­se pri­ce fails or the debit is can­ce­led by the user without legal grounds. Fur­ther­mo­re, auf­werts GmbH, without pre­ju­di­ce to all other rights, may pre­vent access to the con­tent, as long as the user is in default. If the user is in default, auf­werts GmbH is enti­t­led to can­cel the purcha­se and to return the ser­vices recei­ved on both sides.

4.6 auf­werts GmbH will only be in default if the user has set a grace peri­od of at least 7 days in wri­ting. In this case, the user has at most a claim for the reim­bur­se­ment of the ent­i­re invoice amount of the ser­vice affec­ted by the delay. Fur­ther claims, in par­ti­cu­lar claims for dama­ges are exclu­ded. The user is not enti­t­led to with­hold pay­ments unless he has a legal right of retention.


§5 Inst­ruc­tions on the right of withdrawal

– Can­cel­la­ti­on Policy –

5.1 Right of withdrawal

You have the right to with­draw from this con­tract wit­hin four­te­en days without giving any reason.

The revo­ca­ti­on peri­od is four­te­en days from the date of the con­tract. In order to exer­cise your right of revo­ca­ti­on, you must inform auf­werts GmbH, August-Wil­helm-Kühn­holz-Str. 5, 26135 Olden­burg, Ger­ma­ny, E-Mail: info@lope.app by means of a clear state­ment (eg a mail or e-mail sent by post) of your decisi­on to with­draw from this con­tract. You can use the atta­ched model with­dra­wal form, which is howe­ver not required.

In order to main­tain the can­cel­la­ti­on peri­od, it is suf­fi­ci­ent that you send the noti­ce of the exer­cise of the right of with­dra­wal befo­re the expi­ry of the with­dra­wal period.

5.2 Con­se­quen­ces of the revocation

If you with­draw from this Agree­ment, we have to repay all pay­ments we have recei­ved from you, inclu­ding deli­very char­ges (except for the addi­tio­nal cos­ts ari­sing from your choo­sing a dif­fe­rent deli­very method than the most favor­able stan­dard deli­very we offe­red to you) and at the latest wit­hin four­te­en days from the date on which the noti­fi­ca­ti­on of your revo­ca­ti­on of this con­tract has reached us. For this repay­ment, we use the same means of pay­ment that you used in the ori­gi­nal tran­sac­tion, unless other­wi­se agreed with you; In no case will you be char­ged for this repay­ment fees.

5.3 Spe­cial instructions

Your right of revo­ca­ti­on expi­res pre­ma­tu­re­ly, if the con­tract is com­ple­te­ly ful­fil­led by both par­ties at your express request, befo­re you have exer­cis­ed your right of revocation.

5.4 Exclu­si­on of the right of withdrawal

The right of revo­ca­ti­on does not exist if you are an entre­pre­neur in accordance with § 14 para­graph 1 Ger­man Civil Code and you act in the exer­cise of your com­mer­cial interest.

5.5 With­dra­wal form example

(If you want to revo­ke the con­tract, then you can fill out this form and return it eg by post or e-mail to us. You can also revo­ke inform­less­ly eg by e-mail or Tel).

To auf­werts GmbH, August-Wil­helm-Kühn­holz-Str. 5, 26135 Olden­burg, Ger­ma­ny, E-Mail: info@lope.app

I / we (*) her­eby revo­ke the con­tract con­clu­ded by me / us (*) for the purcha­se of the fol­lowing goods (*) / the pro­vi­si­on of the fol­lowing service (*)

Orde­red on …………………. /received at ………………….

Name of the con­su­mer (s)

Address of the con­su­mer (s)

Signa­tu­re of the con­su­mer (s) (only when noti­fied on paper)


(*) Dele­te as appropriate.

– End of revocation –


§6 part­ner offers, links

auf­werts GmbH may pro­vi­de the user with links to or con­tent from third-par­ty web­sites and / or part­ner offers. auf­werts GmbH is not respon­si­ble for the appro­pria­te con­tents, their lega­li­ty and cor­rect­ness. In this respect, auf­werts GmbH dis­sua­ded as a pre­cau­ti­on of the con­tent offe­red the­re. For the rest, the respec­ti­ve terms and con­di­ti­ons of the ope­ra­tors of the lin­ked third par­ty / part­ner offers apply.
§7 Copy­right

7.1 All copy­rights, usa­ge rights and other pro­tec­ti­ve rights to the con­tents remain with auf­werts GmbH. The user may only use the con­tent for his own pur­po­ses and is not enti­t­led to make it avail­ab­le to third par­ties on the Inter­net or in any other form, be it against pay­ment or free of char­ge. The com­mer­cial dupli­ca­ti­on and the resa­le of the con­tents eit­her in who­le or in parts are exclu­ded. The user is not per­mit­ted to remo­ve exis­ting mar­kings, pro­prie­ta­ry rights noti­ces or pro­prie­ta­ry noti­ces of the pro­vi­der in the soft­ware and in stored data. auf­werts GmbH is enti­t­led to car­ry out necessa­ry chan­ges at its own expen­se on the basis of the claims of third par­ties. The user can not deri­ve any con­trac­tu­al rights from this.

7.2 The data­ba­se con­tains third-par­ty con­tent. The­se are mar­ked sepa­r­ate­ly and are sub­ject to the copy­right pro­vi­si­ons of the respec­ti­ve pro­vi­der, which can be acces­sed under the links pro­vi­ded. In addi­ti­on to the copy­right pro­vi­si­ons of auf­werts GmbH then app­ly the pro­vi­si­ons of the respec­ti­ve company.

7.3 The user is liable to auf­werts GmbH for all dama­ges that result from the vio­la­ti­on of the afo­re­men­tio­ned obligations.


§8 war­ran­ty, liability

8.1 auf­werts GmbH takes the utmost care in the crea­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce of the pro­grams. Nevertheless, auf­werts GmbH can not gua­ran­tee that the pro­grams are sui­ta­ble and cor­rect for the spe­ci­fic needs of the user. The user selects the con­tent on his own respon­si­bi­li­ty and uses it on his own respon­si­bi­li­ty. The adhe­si­on of auf­werts GmbH for the wrong use of the con­tents is impossible.

8.2 The func­tions offe­red are part­ly based on the use of the device’s own calen­dar. If this is not used by the user, not all func­tions of the app can be used. If the user omits the use or this is due to tech­ni­cal rea­sons and this results in a dama­ge, the lia­bi­li­ty of auf­werts GmbH is excluded.

8.3 The lia­bi­li­ty of auf­werts GmbH is other­wi­se limi­ted to intent and gross negli­gence. This does not app­ly to lia­bi­li­ty for dama­ge to body, life and health, for which the sta­tu­to­ry lia­bi­li­ty rules app­ly without restric­tion. Fur­ther­mo­re, auf­werts GmbH is not respon­si­ble for errors, mal­func­tions or dama­ges that are due to impro­per ope­ra­ti­on, use of unsui­ta­ble equip­ment or unusu­al ope­ra­ting conditions.

8.4 Errors in com­pu­ter pro­grams can never be total­ly exclu­ded accord­ing to the sta­te of the art and with the utmost care. The user is awa­re of this fact.

8.5 If any defects occur, the user can inform auf­werts GmbH as soon as pos­si­ble with an exact descrip­ti­on of the defect. If the­se defi­ci­en­ci­es are not due to faul­ty ope­ra­ti­on or mal­func­tions, which auf­werts GmbH is not respon­si­ble for, then auf­werts GmbH will reme­dy the defects in a rea­son­ab­le amount of time.

8.6 Other­wi­se, the sta­tu­to­ry war­ran­ty pro­vi­si­ons app­ly. The con­trac­tu­al lia­bi­li­ty for defects is limi­ted to 24 mon­ths upon con­clu­si­on of the con­tract. For pos­si­ble reme­di­al mea­su­res auf­werts GmbH grants an addi­tio­nal lia­bi­li­ty for defects of six mon­ths from the time of execution.


§9 Final provisions

9.1 Exclu­si­ve­ly the law of the Federal Repu­blic of Ger­ma­ny is app­li­ca­ble under exclu­si­on of the inter­na­tio­nal pri­va­te law and the UN sales law.

9.2 auf­werts GmbH reser­ves the right to reject cus­to­mer app­li­ca­ti­ons in indi­vi­du­al cases without giving reasons.

9.3 auf­werts GmbH can chan­ge the­se con­tract con­di­ti­ons at any time. In this case, the terms and con­di­ti­ons now app­li­ca­ble to your order could no lon­ger be retriev­a­ble at a later date. You have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to save the cur­rent terms and con­di­ti­ons at the end of the document.

9.4 The nul­li­ty or inva­li­di­ty of any pro­vi­si­on of this Agree­ment shall not affect the vali­di­ty of the remai­ning pro­vi­si­ons. They do not ent­ail the nul­li­ty or inef­fec­ti­ve­ness of the ent­i­re con­tract. The void or inef­fec­ti­ve pro­vi­si­ons are to be inter­pre­ted in such a way that their inten­ded eco­no­mic pur­po­se is achie­ved. If a rein­ter­pre­ta­ti­on is not pos­si­ble, the con­trac­ting par­ties are obli­ged to make an agree­ment that comes as clo­se as pos­si­ble to the eco­no­mic pur­po­se of the void or inef­fec­ti­ve provision.