For people who not only manage their tasks but also want to do get them done.

Let´s face it. The who­le life con­sists of unfi­nis­hed tasks. All the time some­bo­dy wants some­thing new from us: “Can you just do this?”, “Don´t for­get to do that…” – Quick­ly, all is full of notes or your task manage­ment app is sen­ding you remin­ders, what else still has to be done urgen­tly. The more open tasks accu­mu­la­te, the grea­ter the stress beco­mes and at the end of the day the dis­sa­tis­fac­tion with what we have accom­plished – or bet­ter – we have fai­led to achieve.

This inspi­red the deve­lo­pers to crea­te an app that is as simp­le as it is bril­li­ant: LOPE. A task manage­ment sys­tem that does not mana­ge tasks but ensu­res that they are get­ting done.


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